Quran 78

This is Quran chapter 78

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Of what do they question one another? -
Of the mighty information 
Concerning which they are in disagreement.
Nay, they shall soon know!
Then, nay, they shall soon know!

Have We not made the earth a couch,
And the mountains as stakes,
And We created you in pairs,
And We made your sleep for rest,
And We made the night a garment,
And We made the day for livelihood,
And We built above you seven strong,
And We set a burning lamp,
And We sent down from the rain clouds water pouring forth,
To bring out thereby grain and herb,
And gardens thickly planted?

Indeed, the Day of Decision is an appointed time; the day the trumpet is blown, and you come in troops, and the heaven is opened, and becomes gates, and the mountains are moved, and become a mirage!

Indeed, Hell is an ambush,
A place of return for the outrageous,
To tarry therein for ages.
They shall not taste therein cool nor drink, except boiling water and pus; -
A fit reward!
Indeed, they did not hope for an account;
And they ever said Our signs were lies.
And everything We have numbered in a Book.
'So taste, and never will We increase you except in punishment.'

Indeed, for the pious is a blissful place, -
Gardens and vineyards,
And maidens with swelling breasts of equal age,
And a brimming cup;
They shall hear therein no folly and no lie;
A reward from your Lord, a sufficient gift!

Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between them both, - the Merciful, - they cannot obtain audience of Him!

The day the Spirit and the angels shall stand in ranks, they shall not speak except for one whom the Merciful permits, and who speaks aright.

That is the true day; so whosoever pleases let him take to his Lord a return.

Indeed, We have warned you of a near punishment: a day man shall see what his two hands have sent forward; and the disbeliever shall say, 'O would that I were dust!'

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