Quran 56

This is Quran chapter 56

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

When the inevitable happens; 
None shall call its happening a lie! - 
Abasing, exalting!

When the earth shall quake, quaking!
And mountains shall crumble, crumbling,
And become a scattered dust!
And you shall be three kinds;

Then the fellows of the right - what are the fellows of the right?

And the fellows of the left - what are the fellows of the left?

And the foremost, the foremost!
Those are the ones brought near,
In gardens of pleasure!
A crowd of the former people,
And a few of the later people!
On gold-weft couches,
Reclining on them, face to face.
Around them shall go eternal youths,
With goblets and ewers and a cup of flowing wine;
No headache shall they feel therefrom, nor shall they be intoxicated!
And fruit of what they select;
And flesh of fowl as they desire;
And wide-eyed houris
Like hidden pearls;
A reward for what they used to do!
They shall hear no folly there and no sin;
Only the speech, 'Peace, Peace!'

And the fellows of the right - what are the fellows of the right?
Amid thornless lote trees.
And talh trees with piles of fruit;
And outspread shade,
And water poured out;
And fruit in abundance,
Neither failing nor forbidden;
And beds upraised!
Indeed, We have produced them a production.
And We have made them virgins,
Darlings of equal age
For the fellows of the right!
A crowd of the former people, and a crowd of the later people!

And the fellows of the left - what are the fellows of the left?
In hot blasts and boiling water;
And a shade of black smoke,
Neither cool nor generous!
Indeed, they were affluent before that, and they used to persist in the great sin;
And they used to say, 'What, when we die and have become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised? And our forefathers?'
Say, 'Indeed, the former and the later people shall surely be gathered together to the appointment of a well-known day.'
Then indeed you, O you who err! Who say it is a lie! Shall surely eat of a tree of Zaqqum!
And fill bellies with it!
And drink over it of boiling water!
And drink as drinks the thirsty camel.
This is their entertainment on the judgment day!

We created you, so why do you not admit the truth?
Have you considered what you emit?
Do you create it or are We the creator?
We have decreed amongst you death; and We are not to be outrun;
That We may change your likenesses and make you what you know not.
And certainly you know the first creation, why then do you not mind?

Have you considered what you till?
Do you make it grow, or are We the grower?
If We please We could surely make it grit, so you would pause to marvel: 'Indeed, we surely have got into debt; nay, we are deprived.'

Have you considered the water which you drink?
Do you send it down from the clouds, or are We the ones to send?
If We please We could make it bitter; so why are you not grateful?

Have you considered the fire which you strike?
Do you produce the tree that gives it, or are We the producer?
We have made it a memorial and a chattel for the traveller of the desert.
So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.

But nay! I swear by the positions of the stars;
And indeed, it is surely a great oath if you could know;
Indeed, it is surely a noble Quran - 
In a book well-protected!
None touch it except the purified.
A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
Is it this discourse that you scorn?
And make your provision that you call it a lie?
Why then - when it comes up to the throat, and you at that time look on, and we are nearer to him than you, but you cannot see, - then why, if you are not to be judged, do you not send it back, if you are truthful?

But either, if he is of those brought near, - then rest and fragrance and a garden of pleasure!

And, if he is of the fellows of the right! Then 'Peace to you!' From the fellows of the right!

But if he is of those who say it is a lie, - who err! Then an entertainment of boiling water! And burning in Hell!

Indeed, this is surely certain truth!
So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.

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