Quran 53

This is Quran chapter 53

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

By the star when it falls, your comrade errs not, nor is he deluded! Nor does he speak out of desire! It is nothing except an inspiration inspired!

One mighty in power taught him, possessor of sound understanding, and he appeared, while he was in the highest horizon. Then he drew near and came down! And was two bows' length away, or nearer! Then He inspired His servant what He inspired.  The heart belies not what he saw! What, will you dispute with him on what he saw? And certainly he saw him another time, by the lote tree none may pass; near it is the Garden of Abode! When what covers covered the lote tree! The sight swerved not nor transgressed. Certainly he saw the greatest of the signs of his Lord.

Have you considered Al Lat and Al Uzza and Manat the other third? What! For you the male and for Him the female? That is an unfair division! They are nothing but names you have named, you and your fathers! God has sent down no authority for it! They follow nothing but a guess and what the souls desire! - And certainly the guidance has come to them from their Lord. 

Or shall man have what he wishes? But God's is the hereafter and the former! How many an angel in the heaven! - their intercession avails not at all, except after God has given permission to whom He will and is pleased with!

Indeed, those who do not believe in the hereafter surely they name the angels female names! And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow nothing but a guess, and indeed, a guess avails not against the truth at all - so turn away from whoever turns his back on Our remembrance and desires nothing but the life of the world. That is their sum of knowledge; indeed, your Lord knows best who has erred from His way, and He knows best who is guided!

God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, that He may reward those who do evil with what they have done; and reward those who do good with good!

Those who avoid great sins and indecencies, except lesser offences. Indeed, your Lord is of vast forgiveness; He knows best about you, when He produced you from the earth, and when you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He knows best he who fears.

Have you considered him who turns his back and gives a little, and withholds? Does he have the knowledge of the unseen, so he sees? Or has he not been informed of what is in the pages of Moses and Abraham who fulfilled?

That no burdened one shall bear the burden of another?

And that man shall have only that for which he strives;

And that his striving shall soon be seen - then he shall be rewarded for it with the fullest reward; 

And that to your Lord is the goal;

And that it is He who makes laugh, and makes weep;

And that it is He who causes death and gives life; 

And that He created pairs, the male and the female, from a sperm-drop when it is emitted; 

And that upon Him is the next production; 

And that it is He who enriches and gives possession;

And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius;

And that He destroyed the former 'Ad, and Thamud He spared not; and the people of Noah before, - Indeed, they were most unjust and outrageous! And the overthrown He threw down; so there covered it that which covered.

Then which of the favours of your Lord do you dispute?

This is a warner, of the warners of old! The approaching day approaches; None beside God can disclose it. Do you then marvel at this discourse? And do you laugh and not weep? While you amuse yourselves? But adore God and serve.

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