Quran 51

This is Quran chapter 51

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

By the scatterers who scatter!
And those carrying a load!
And those running on easily!
And the distributors of affairs!

Indeed, what you are threatened with is surely true!
And indeed, the judgment will surely take place!

By the heaven possessed of paths!
Indeed, you are at variance in what you say!
He is turned from it who is turned.

Destroyed are the liars, who are heedless in a flood.
They ask, 'When is the day of judgment?'
The day when at the fire they shall be tried. - 'Taste your trial! This is what you wished to hasten on!'

Indeed, the pious are in gardens and springs, taking what their Lord brings them.
Indeed, they were before that good-doers.
They used to sleep but little of the night; and at the dawn they asked forgiveness.
And in their wealth was what was due to him who asked, and him who was kept back from asking.

And in the earth are signs for those who are sure, and in yourselves, - what! Do you not then see?
And in the heaven is your provision and that which you are promised.

But by the Lord of the heaven and the earth! Indeed, it is the truth, - like that which you speak!

Has the story of Abraham's honoured guests reached you? When they entered in unto him and said, 'Peace!' He said, 'Peace! - a people unrecognised.' Then he went aside unto his people and came with a fat calf, and brought it near unto them; he said, 'Will you not eat?' And he felt a fear of them: they said, 'Fear not.' And they gave him glad tidings of a knowing boy. And his wife approached with a noise, and smote her face, and said, 'An old woman, barren!' They said, 'Thus says your Lord. Indeed, He is the Wise, the Knowing.'

He said, 'And what is your errand, O you messengers?' They said, 'Indeed, we are sent unto a sinful people, to send upon them stones of clay, marked from your Lord for the extravagant.' 

And We brought out such as were in it of the believers; but We found not therein except one house of those that have surrendered. And We left therein a sign for those who fear the painful punishment.

And in Moses; when We sent him to Pharaoh with clear authority. But he turned away with his supporters and said, 'A magician or a madman.' And We seized him and his hosts and hurled them into the sea; and he was blameworthy.

And in 'Ad, when We sent against them a desolating wind, it left nothing it came upon,  but made it like ashes!

And in Thamud, when it was said to them, 'Enjoy yourselves for a while.' But they revolted against the commandment of their Lord; and the noise caught them while they looked on. And they could not stand upright, and they were not helped!

And the people of Noah before; indeed, they were an abominable people.

And the heaven - We have built it with might, and indeed, We do surely give it ample space!

And the earth - We have spread it out; and excellent are the spreaders!

And of everything We have created pairs, perhaps you will remember.

So flee to God; indeed, I am a plain warner from Him to you!

And do not set up with God another god; indeed, I am a plain warner from Him to you!

Thus there came no messenger to those before them, but they said, 'A magician or a madman!'

Do they bequeath it to each other? Nay, they are an outrageous people!

So turn away from them, for you are not to be blamed. And remind; for indeed, the reminder profits the believers.

And I have not created the jinn and mankind except to serve Me. I do not desire any provision from them, and I do not wish them to feed me. Indeed, God, He is the Provider, Lord of unbreakable might.

So indeed, for those who do wrong is a portion like the portion of their fellows, but let them not hurry Me!

Then woe to those who disbelieve from their day which they are promised.

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