Quran 69

This is Quran chapter 69

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

The Reality!
What is the Reality?
And what should make you know what the Reality is?

Thamud and 'Ad called the striking Calamity a lie; but as for Thamud they perished by the shock; and as for 'Ad they perished by the violent cold blast of wind, which He imposed on them for seven nights and eight days consecutively. And you might see the people therein prostrate as though they were palm stumps thrown down, and can you see any remnant of them?

And Pharaoh and those before him and the overturned cities committed sins, and they rebelled against the messenger of their Lord, so He seized them with an excessive seizure.

Indeed, when the water surged, We carried you in the sailing ship, to make it a memorial for you, and that the retentive ear might hold it.

So when the trumpet is blown with one blast, and the earth and the mountains are borne away and both are crushed with one crushing; then on that day shall the inevitable happen; and the heaven shall be cleft asunder, for on that day shall it wane! And the angels on its sides, and above them on that day shall eight bear the throne of your Lord!

On that day you shall be exposed, no secret of yours shall be concealed. Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he shall say, 'Here! Read my book. Indeed, I thought that I should meet my reckoning.' So he shall be in a pleasing life, in a lofty garden, its fruits near to gather - 'Eat and drink with good digestion, for what you did long ago, in the past days.'

But as for him who is given his book in his left hand he shall say, 'O, would that I had not received my book and knew not what is my account. O, would that it had been the end! My wealth has not availed me! My authority has perished from me!' 'Take him and fetter him, then in Hell broil him! Then in a chain whose length is seventy cubits insert him! Indeed, he did not believe in God, the Most Great, nor was he particular to feed the poor. So he has not here today any warm friend, nor any food except from the discharge of wounds, none will eat it except the sinners.'

But nay! I swear by what you see and what you do not see, indeed, it is surely the speech of a noble messenger; and it is not the speech of a poet, - little is what you believe! And it is not the speech of a soothsayer, - little is what you mind! - A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

And if he had invented against Us any sayings, certainly We would have seized him by the right hand, then certainly We would have cut from him the aorta; and not one of you could have defended him.

Indeed, it is surely a reminder to the pious; and indeed, We surely know that there are amongst you those who say it is a lie; and indeed it is surely a source of sighing to the disbelievers; and indeed, it is surely certain truth! So glorify the name of your Lord, the Most Great.

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