Quran 79

This is Quran chapter 79

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

By those who draw out violently!
And those who draw out gently!
And those who glide swimming!
And the preceders who precede!
And those who manage an affair!

On the day the quaking quakes,
There will follow it the subsequent,
Hearts, that day, shall tremble;
Their eyes humbled!

They say, 'Shall we indeed be sent back to the former state? What! When we are rotten bones?'
They say, 'That, then, would be a losing return.'
But it will only be one scare,
And behold! They will be on the surface!

Has the story of Moses come to you?
When his Lord addressed him in the holy valley of Tuwa, 'Go to Pharaoh, indeed, he is outrageous; and say, "Have you a wish to purify yourself, and I may guide you to your Lord, so you may fear?"' So he showed him the great sign; but he called him a liar and rebelled. Then he retreated hastily, and gathered, and proclaimed, and said, 'I am your Lord the Most High!' But God seized him with the punishment of the hereafter and the former.

Indeed, in that surely is a lesson for him who fears!

Are you harder to create or the heaven? He built it. He raised its height and fashioned it; and He darkened its night, and brought forth its forenoon; and the earth after that He spread it out. He brings forth from it its water and its pasture. And the mountains He set firmly, a provision for you and for your cattle.

Then when the great predominant calamity comes, on the day man shall remember what he strove after, and Hell shall be brought out for him who sees! 

Then as for him who was outrageous, and preferred the life of the world, then indeed, Hell - it is the refuge!

But as for him who feared the station of His Lord, and prohibited his soul from lust, then indeed, Paradise - it is the refuge!

They shall ask you about the Hour, when it is set. Whereby can you mention it? Unto your Lord is the final end of it. You are only a warner to him who fears it.

On the day they see it, it will be as though they had but tarried an evening or its forenoon.

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