Quran 3-A

This is Quran chapter 3, verses 1 to 74

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Alif.Lam.Mim. God, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsistent. He has sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah, and the Gospel before as guidance to mankind, and He sent down the criterion. Indeed, those who disbelieve in the signs of God for them is severe punishment, for God is mighty, the Lord of retribution.

Indeed, God, there is nothing hidden from Him in the earth, nor in the heaven; it is He who fashions you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise.

It is He who has revealed to you the Book, some of its verses are decisive, they are the mother of the Book; and others ambiguous; but as for those in whose hearts is perversity, they follow what is ambiguous, desiring dissension, and desiring its interpretation; and none knows its interpretation, except God. And those who are well-grounded in knowledge say, 'We believe in it; it is all from our Lord;' but none will remember except those who possess minds.

'Our Lord! Pervert not our hearts after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from Yourself. Indeed, You are the Bestower.

Our Lord! Indeed, You shall gather mankind to a day wherein is no doubt. Indeed, God will not break the promise.'

Indeed, those who misbelieve, their wealth shall not help them, nor their children, against God at all. Those - they are fuel for the Fire.

Like the custom of Pharaoh's people, and those before them, they said Our signs were lies, so God seized them for their sins, and God is severe in punishment.

Say to those who misbelieve, 'You shall be overcome and driven together to Hell, an evil resting-place.'

Surely you have had a sign in the two parties who met; one party fighting in the way of God, and the other misbelieving; these saw twice the same number as themselves to the eye-sight, and God supports with His help whom He pleases. Indeed, in that surely is a lesson for those who have eyes.

Beautified for mankind is the love of lusts - of women, and children, and stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and of horses well-bred, and cattle, and tilled land; - that is the provision for the life of the world; but God, with Him is the best abode.

Say, 'Shall I tell you of better than that?' For those who fear, with their Lord are gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein dwelling forever, and pure spouses, grace from God; and God sees His servants who say, 'Our Lord, indeed we believe, so forgive us our sins, and keep us from the punishment of the Fire,' - the patient, and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who spend, and those who ask for pardon at the dawn.

God bears witness that there is no god but He, and the angels, and those possessed of knowledge - standing up for justice. There is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise.

Indeed, the religion with God is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not disagree except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God's signs, then truly God is quick at reckoning up.

And if they dispute with you, then say, 'I have surrendered my face to God, and whosoever follows me.' And say to those who have been given the Book, and the illiterate ones, 'Have you surrendered yourselves?' Then if they have surrendered, then surely, they are guided; But if they turn away, then you have only to preach, and God sees the servants.

Indeed, those who disbelieve in God's signs, and kill the prophets without right, and kill those among men, who bid what is just, - to them give the glad tidings of grievous punishment!

These are the ones whose works are void in the world and the hereafter, and they have no helpers.

Did you not see those who have been given a portion of the Book? They were called unto the Book of God to decide between them; then a party of them turned their backs and turned away; - that is because they say, 'The fire shall not touch us, except for a number of days'; and that which they had invented deceived them in their religion.

So how will it be when We have gathered them together for a day whereof there is no doubt, and when each soul shall be paid what it has earned, and they shall not be wronged?

Say, 'O God, Master of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You please, and You take away the kingdom from whom You please, You honour whom You please, and You abase whom You please; in Your hand is the good. Indeed, You are powerful over everything.

You make the night to enter into the day and You make the day to enter into the night; and You bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living. And You give provision to whom You please without account.'

Those who believe shall not take misbelievers for their patrons, rather than believers, and whoever does that has no part with God at all, unless you fear some danger from them. But God bids you beware of Himself, and to God is the journey.

Say, 'If you hide that which is in your breasts, or if you show it, God knows it: He knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and God is powerful over everything.'

The day that every soul shall find what it has done of good present before it; and what it has done of evil, it will wish that there were between itself and that a wide interval. God bids you beware of Himself, and God is gentle with His servants.

Say, 'If you would love God, then follow me, God will love you and forgive you your sins, and God is forgiving, compassionate.'

Say, 'Obey God and the messenger;' but if they turn away - then indeed, God does not love the misbelievers.

Indeed, God has chosen Adam, and Noah, and Abraham's people and Imran's people above the worlds, - offspring, some of them from others, and God is hearing, knowing.

When Imran's wife said, 'My Lord, indeed, I have vowed to You what is in my womb, to be dedicated unto You, So receive it from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.'

And when she brought it forth she said, 'Indeed, I have brought it forth a female' - and God knew best what she brought forth; and the male is not like the female - 'And I have called her Mary, and I seek refuge in You for her and her offspring from Satan the outcast.'

And her Lord received her with a good reception, and made her grow up with a good growth, and Zachariah took care of her. Whenever Zachariah entered the chamber to her he found with her provision. He said, 'O Mary, how have you this?' She said, 'It is from God. Indeed, God provides for whom He pleases without count.'

Therefore prayed Zachariah to his Lord, he said, 'My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You hear prayer.'

And the angels called him while he was standing praying in the chamber that 'God gives you the good news of John, to confirm a Word from God, - of a chief and a chaste one, and a prophet amongst the righteous.'

He said, 'My Lord, how can there be for me a boy, and verily, old age has reached me, and my wife is barren?' He said, 'Thus God does what He pleases.'

He said, 'My Lord, make for me a sign.' He said, 'Your sign is that you shall not speak to mankind for three days, except by gesture; and remember your Lord much, and celebrate His praises in the evening and the morning.'

And when the angels said, 'O Mary! Indeed, God has chosen you and purified you, and chosen you above the women of the worlds. O Mary! Be obedient to your Lord, and adore and bow down with those who bow.'

That is of the news of the unseen - We reveal it to you. And you were not by them when they threw their pens which of them should take care of Mary, nor were you by them when they disputed.

When the angels said, 'O Mary! Indeed, God gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him; his name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; regarded in the world and the hereafter and among those brought near.

And he shall speak to people in the cradle, and in maturity, and shall be among the righteous.'

She said, 'My Lord! How shall I have a son, and man has not touched me?' 

He said, 'Thus God creates what He pleases. When He decrees a matter He only says to it - 'Be,' and it is. And He will teach him the Book and wisdom, and the Torah, and the Gospel, and he shall be a messenger to the children of Israel: "That I have come to you, with a sign from your Lord, that I will create for you out of clay like the form of a bird, and I will blow into it and it shall become a bird by God's permission; and I will heal the blind from birth, and the leper; and I will bring the dead to life by God's permission; and I will tell you what you eat and what you store up in your houses. Indeed, in that is a sign for you if you are believers. And confirming what is before me of the Torah, and to make lawful for you some of that which was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me. Indeed, God is my Lord, and your Lord, so worship Him: - this is the straight path."'

And when Jesus perceived their disbelief, He said, 'Who are my helpers for God?' The disciples said, 'We are God's helpers. We believe in God, so bear witness that we have surrendered. Our Lord, we have believed in what you have revealed, and we have followed the messenger, so write us down with those who bear witness.'

And they planned, and God planned, and God is the best of planners!

And when God said, 'O Jesus! Indeed, I will make you die and will raise you to me and will clear you of those who misbelieve, and will make those who follow you above those who misbelieve, to the day of resurrection, then to Me is your return. And I will decide between you concerning that wherein you disagree. And as for those who misbelieve, then I will punish them with grievous punishment in the world and the hereafter, and they shall have no helpers.'

And as for those who believe and do good works, then He will pay them their reward in full. And God does not love the wrongdoers.

That is what We recite to you of the signs and of the wise reminder.

Indeed, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then He said to him, 'Be,' and he was; - the truth from your Lord, so do not be of those who are in doubt.

And whoever argues with you concerning him, after what has come to you of knowledge, then say, 'Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves: then let us humbly pray and so lay God's curse upon the liars.'

Indeed, this is the true story. And there is no god except God. And indeed, God, He is the Mighty, the Wise; but if they turn back, then indeed, God knows the evildoers.

Say, 'O people of the Book, come to a word laid down plainly between us and you, that we will not worship except God, nor associate anything with Him, nor take each other for lords rather than God.' But if they turn away, then say, 'Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered.'

O people of the Book, why do you dispute about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? What! Do you not understand?

Here you are, disputing about what you have some knowledge of; why then do you dispute about what you have no knowledge of? And God knows and you do not know.

Abraham was not a Jew, nor a Christian, but he was an upright man who had surrendered, and he was not of the idolaters.

Indeed, the people most worthy of Abraham are those who follow him and this prophet, and those who believe; - And God is the patron of the believers.

A party of the people of the Book wish they could lead you astray, but they only lead themselves astray, and they do not perceive.

O people of the Book! Why do you disbelieve in the signs of God, while you witness?

O people of the Book! Why do you clothe the truth with falsehood and hide the truth while you know?

And a party of the people of the Book say, 'Believe in what was revealed to those who believe at the beginning of the day, and disbelieve it at its end, perhaps they will return; and do not believe except one who follows your religion.' Say, 'Indeed, the guidance is God's guidance - that one should be given the like of what you have been given, or that they may dispute with you before your Lord.' Say: 'Indeed, grace is in the hand of God, He gives it to whom He pleases; and God is all-embracing, knowing.'

He selects for his mercy whom he pleases; and God is Lord of mighty grace.

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