Quran 3-B

This is Quran chapter 3, verses 75 to 136

And of the people of the Book is he who, if you entrust him with a weight of treasure, he will return it to you. And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a dinar, he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him. That is because they say, 'We owe no duty to the Gentiles;' and they tell a lie against God, while they know.

Nay, whoever fulfils his covenant and fears, - then indeed, God loves those who fear.

Indeed, those who sell God's covenant and their oaths for a little price, these have no share in the hereafter. And God will not speak to them, and will not look upon them on the resurrection day, and will not purify them; and for them is grievous punishment.

And indeed, among them surely is a party who distort the Book with their tongues, that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, 'It is from God,' but it is not from God, and they tell a lie against God, while they know.

It is not for a mortal that God should give him the Book, and the wisdom, and the prophethood, then he should say to mankind: 'Be servants of mine rather than of God;' but be rather masters of teaching the Book and of what you learn.

And he does not order you to take the angels and the prophets for Lords; shall he order you to disbelieve, after you have surrendered?

And when God took the covenant from the prophets 'Surely what I have given you of the Book and wisdom. Then shall come to you a messenger confirming that which is with you. You shall believe in him and you shall help him.' He said, 'Are you resolved and have you taken My covenant on that?' They said, 'We are resolved.' He said, 'Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.'

But whoever turns away after that, then those - they are the defiantly disobedient.

So is it other than the religion of God they desire, and to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they shall be returned.

Say, 'We believe in God, and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes and what was given to Moses, and Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord, - we make no distinction between any of them, - and unto Him we have surrendered.'

And whoever seeks other than Islam for a religion, it shall not be accepted from him, and he shall, in the hereafter, be among the losers.

How shall God guide people who disbelieved after believing and bearing witness that the messenger is true, and clear signs had come to them? And God does not guide the wrongdoing people.

These, their reward is that on them is the curse of God and of the angels and of men, all together, therein dwelling - The punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be respited; except those who repent after that, and do right, for indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate.

Indeed, those who disbelieve after believing, then increase in disbelief - their repentance shall not be accepted; and these are those who err.

Indeed, those who disbelieve and die in disbelief, there shall not be accepted from any one of them the earth-full of gold, though he should give it as a ransom. For them is grievous punishment, and they shall have no helpers.

You will not attain righteousness until you spend of what you love. And whatever thing you spend, then indeed, God knows of it.

All food was lawful to the children of Israel except what Israel made unlawful to himself before that the Torah was revealed. Say, 'So bring the Torah and recite it, if you are truthful.'

And whoever forges against God a lie, after that, then those - they are the wrongdoers.

Say, 'God speaks the truth, then follow the faith of Abraham, the upright. He was not of the idolaters.'

Indeed, the first House established for mankind was surely that at Bakkah, a blessing and a guidance to the worlds. 

In it are clear signs, - Abraham's standing place, and whoever enters it is safe. And there is due to God from mankind a pilgrimage unto the House, whoever can find a way to it. And whoever disbelieves - then indeed, God is independent of the worlds.

Say, 'O people of the Book! Why do you disbelieve in God's signs, while God is witness of what you do?' 

Say, 'O people of the Book! Why do you turn from the way of God him who believes, seeking to make it crooked, while you are witnesses? And God is not unaware of what you do.'

O you who believe! If you obey a party of those who have been given the Book, they will turn you after your faith, to disbelievers.

And how can you disbelieve while to you are recited the signs of God, and among you is His messenger? And whoever takes tight hold on God, then surely he is guided into a straight way.

O you who believe! Fear God as He should be feared, and do not die except as those who have surrendered.

And take tight hold of God's rope all together, and do not part in sects; and remember the favour of God upon you, when you were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts, and on the morrow you were, by His favour, brothers. You were on the edge of a pit of fire, but He rescued you from it. Thus does God make clear to you His signs; perhaps you may be guided; and that there may be of you a nation who shall invite to good, and bid what is reasonable and forbid what is wrong; and those - they are the prosperous.

And do not be like those who parted in sects and disagreed after the clear signs came to them; And those for them is great punishment, on the day when faces shall be whitened and faces shall be blackened. As for those whose faces are blackened, - 'Did you disbelieve after your faith, then taste the punishment because you disbelieved!'

But as for those whose faces are whitened, then in God's mercy, they shall dwell therein.

These are the signs of God. We recite them to you in truth, and God does not desire injustice to the worlds.

God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and unto God affairs return.

You are the best of nations brought forth for mankind. You bid what is reasonable, and forbid what is wrong, and believe in God. And if the people of the Book had believed, surely it would have been better for them. There are believers among them, though most of them are defiantly disobedient.

They shall not harm you except a hurt; and if they fight you, they shall show you their backs, then they shall not be helped.

They are smitten with abasement wherever they are found, except for a rope from God and a rope from men; and they draw on themselves wrath from God. They are smitten with poverty; that is because they disbelieved in God's signs, and slew the prophets without right. That is because they were rebellious and used to transgress.

They are not the same. Of the people of the Book there is a nation upright, reciting God's signs throughout the night, and they adore. 

They believe in God, and the last day, and bid what is reasonable, and forbid what is wrong, and vie in good works; and these are among the righteous.

And whatever they do of good, they shall not be denied the just reward of it; and God knows those who fear.

Indeed, those who disbelieve, their wealth is of no service to them, nor their children, against God at all; and those are the fellows of the fire, they shall dwell in it.

The likeness of what they expend in this life of the world, is as the likeness of a wind wherein is a cold blast that falls upon the tillage of a people who have wronged themselves and destroys it. And God has not wronged them, but they wrong themselves.

O you who believe! Do not take as intimates others than yourselves; they will not fail to ruin you; they wish you would have hardship, - indeed, hatred is shown by their mouths; but what their breasts conceal is greater still. Certainly We have made clear to you the signs, if you will understand.

Lo! You are those who love them, and they love you not; and you believe in the Book, all of it. And when they meet you they say, 'We believe;' and when they go aside they bite their fingertips at you through rage. Say, 'Die in your rage. Indeed, God knows the nature of the breasts.'

If good touches you it is bad for them, but if disaster strikes you they rejoice at it; and if you are patient and fear, their tricks shall not harm you at all. Indeed, God is surrounding what they do.

And when you set forth early from your people to settle for the believers a camp to fight; - and God is hearing, knowing; - when two parties of you were on the point of showing cowardice; but God was their guardian, and upon God the believers should rely.

And certainly God helped you at Badr when you were in a poor way; so fear God, perhaps you may give thanks.

When you said to the believers, 'Is it not enough for you that your Lord assists you with three thousand of the angels sent down?

Yes, if you are patient and fear, and they come upon you suddenly, your Lord will assist you with five thousand of the angels of mark.'

God only made this as good news for you, and that thereby your hearts may be at rest, - and victory comes only from God, the Mighty, the Wise - to cut off a part of those who disbelieve, or make them downcast, so that they may turn back disappointed.

You have nothing to do with the affair at all, whether He turn towards them or punishes them; for indeed, they are wrongdoers.

God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. He forgives whom He pleases, and punishes whom He pleases; and God is forgiving, compassionate.

O you who believe! Do not devour usury doubly doubled, but fear God, perhaps you may be prosperous; and fear the Fire which is prepared for the disbelievers, and obey God and the messenger, perhaps you may get mercy.

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord, and for a garden, the breadth of which is as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who fear: - those who expend in prosperity and adversity, and those who repress their rage, and those who pardon men; God loves the good-doers.

And those who when they do a crime, or wrong themselves, remember God, and ask forgiveness for their sins, - and who forgives sins but God? - and do not persist in what they did, while they know. These - their reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein dwelling; and excellent is the reward of the workers.

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