Quran 81

This is Quran chapter 81

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

When the sun is folded up,
And when the stars fall,
And when the mountains are moved,
And when the she-camels ten months gone with young are neglected, 
And when the beasts are gathered, 
And when the seas shall surge up,
And when the souls are paired,
And when the girl-child who was buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed, 
And when the pages are spread out,
And when the heaven shall be flayed,
And when Hell is set ablaze,
And when the garden is brought near,
A soul will know what it has produced!

But nay! I swear by the slinkers, the runners, the sinkers!
And by the night when darkness draws on!
And by the morning when it breathes!

Indeed, it is surely the speech of a noble messenger, possessor of power, with the Lord of the Throne secure, obeyed, trustworthy.

And your companion is not mad;
And certainly he saw him on the clear horizon,
Nor does he grudge to communicate the unseen.
And it is not the speech of an accursed Satan.

So where are you going?

It is not except a reminder to the worlds, to whomsoever of you pleases to go straight: - And you will not please, except that God, the Lord of the worlds, should please.

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