
Quran 82

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 82 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate When the heaven is cleft asunder, And the stars are scattered, And when the seas gush together, And when the graves are turned upside down, A soul will know what it has sent forth and kept back! O man! What has deceived you concerning your generous Lord, who created you, then fashioned you, then gave you symmetry? In what form He pleased, He composed you. Nay, but you call the judgment a lie! And indeed, over you are surely guardians, noble, writing down! They know what you do! Indeed, the righteous are surely in pleasure, and indeed, the wicked are surely in Hell; they shall burn therein on the judgment day; nor shall they be absent from it! And what shall make you know what is the judgment day? Then, what shall make you know what is the judgment day? A day when no soul shall control anything for another; and the command on that day belongs to God!

Quran 83

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 83 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Woe to those who give short weight! Who when they take a measure from mankind, they take in full. But when they measure for them or weigh for them, they give less! Do not these think that they shall be raised again unto a mighty day? The day mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds! Nay, indeed, the book of the wicked is surely in Sijjin; and what shall make you know what Sijjin is? - a written book! Woe that day for those who say it is a lie! Who call the judgment day a lie! And none shall call it a lie except every sinful transgressor, when Our signs are read to him, he says, 'Legends of the ancients!' Nay, but that which they have gained has settled upon their hearts. Nay, indeed, from their Lord on that day are they veiled; then, indeed, they shall burn in Hell; then it shall be said, 'This is what you used to deny!' Nay, indeed, the book o

Quran 84

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 84 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate When the heaven is split asunder, and attentive to her Lord, and is dutiful! And when the earth is stretched out and casts out what is in her, and is empty, and attentive to her Lord, and is dutiful! O man! Indeed, you are toiling to your Lord, toiling; and you shall meet Him. And as for him who is given his book in his right hand, then soon he shall be reckoned with by an easy reckoning; and he shall go back to his family joyfully. But as for him who is given his book behind his back, then soon he shall call out for destruction, but he shall burn in a blaze! Indeed, he was amongst his family joyful. Indeed, he thought that he would never return. Yea, indeed, his Lord had sight of him. But nay! I swear by the afterglow of sunset, And the night, and what it drives together, And the moon when it is at its full, You shall surely be transferred from state to state! So what

Quran 85

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 85 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate By the heaven with its towers! And the promised day! And the witness and what is witnessed! The fellows of the pit were slain; The fire with its kindling,  When they sat over it And they were witnesses of what they were doing with the believers. And they resented them not except that they believed in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy, whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and God is witness over everything. Indeed, those who persecute believing men and believing women, then do not repent, then for them is the punishment of Hell, and for them is the punishment of the burning. Indeed, those who believe and do good works, for them are gardens beneath which rivers flow, - that is the great bliss! Indeed, the violence of your Lord is keen! Indeed, He produces and repeats, and He is the Forgiving, the Loving, Lord of the glorious throne; doer of what He will! Ha

Quran 96

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 96 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Read, in the name of your Lord who created, Created man from a clot. Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous,  Who taught with the pen, Taught man what he did not know. Nay, indeed, man is surely rebellious, that he sees himself self-sufficient. Indeed, to your Lord is the return. Have you seen him who forbids a servant when he prays? Have you seen if he is upon guidance or enjoins piety? Have you seen if he said it was a lie, and turned away? Does he not know that God sees? Nay, surely, if he does not desist, surely we will drag him by the forelock, - a lying, sinful forelock. So let him call his associates; We will call the guards of Hell. Nay, do not obey him, but adore and draw near.

Quran 3-C

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 3, verses 137 to 200 (End) Indeed incidents have passed before you so travel in the earth and see how was the end of those who denied. This is an explanation for mankind, and a guidance and a warning for those who fear. And do not faint nor grieve, for you shall have the upperhand if you are believers. If a wound touches you, a wound like it has touched the people: these are the days which We make to alternate amongst mankind that God may know those who believe, and may take from you witnesses, and God does not love the wrongdoers; and that God may assay those who believe, and blot out the disbelievers. Or do you think that you will enter Paradise and God not know those of you who have struggled, or know the patient? And certainly, you longed for death before you met it. So indeed you have seen it and you look. Mohammed is but a messenger; certainly messengers have passed away before him; what if he dies or is killed, will

Quran 3-B

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 3, verses 75 to 136 And of the people of the Book is he who, if you entrust him with a weight of treasure, he will return it to you. And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a dinar, he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him. That is because they say, 'We owe no duty to the Gentiles;' and they tell a lie against God, while they know. Nay, whoever fulfils his covenant and fears, - then indeed, God loves those who fear. Indeed, those who sell God's covenant and their oaths for a little price, these have no share in the hereafter. And God will not speak to them, and will not look upon them on the resurrection day, and will not purify them; and for them is grievous punishment. And indeed, among them surely is a party who distort the Book with their tongues, that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, 'It is from God,' but it is not from Go

Quran 3-A

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 3, verses 1 to 74 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Alif.Lam.Mim. God, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsistent. He has sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah, and the Gospel before as guidance to mankind, and He sent down the criterion. Indeed, those who disbelieve in the signs of God for them is severe punishment, for God is mighty, the Lord of retribution. Indeed, God, there is nothing hidden from Him in the earth, nor in the heaven; it is He who fashions you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise. It is He who has revealed to you the Book, some of its verses are decisive, they are the mother of the Book; and others ambiguous; but as for those in whose hearts is perversity, they follow what is ambiguous, desiring dissension, and desiring its interpretation; and none knows its interpretation, except G

Quran 4-C

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 4, verses 127 to 176 (End) They will ask you for a decision about women. Say: 'God decides for you about them, and what is recited to you in the Book concerning orphan women to whom you do not give what is prescribed for them - and you desire to marry them - and the weak among children, and that you stand fairly by orphans; - and what you do of good, then indeed, God knows of it. And if a woman fears from her husband perverseness or aversion, then it is no crime in them both that they make terms of peace between themselves - a reconciliation, and reconciliation is best. And souls are prone to greed; but if you do good and fear - then indeed, God is aware of what you do. You are not able, to act equitably between women, even though you covet it; but do not be altogether partial, and leave one as it were in suspense; and if you reconcile and fear, then indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate. And if they separate, God wi

Quran 4-B

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 4, verses 60 to 126 Do you not see those who pretend that they believe in what has been revealed to you, and what was revealed before you; they wish to refer their judgment to idols, and surely they were commanded to disbelieve therein, and Satan wishes to lead them into a remote error. And when it is said to them, 'Come to what God has sent down and to the messenger,' you see the hypocrites turning from you, turning away.  How then when there befalls them a misfortune because of what their hands have sent forth? Then they will come to you, swearing by God, 'We meant nothing but good and concord.' Those, God knows what is in their hearts. So turn away from them and admonish them, and speak to them penetrating words about themselves. We have never sent a messenger except that he should be obeyed by the permission of God; and if they, when they have wronged themselves, come to you and ask pardon of God, and t

Quran 4-A

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 4, verses 1 to 59 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from one soul, and from it created its mate, and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear God, in whose name you beg of one another, and the wombs; surely God watches over you. And give unto the orphans their property, and do not give them the corrupt in exchange for the good, and do not devour their property to your own property; surely that is a great sin. But if you fear that you cannot do justice between orphans, then marry what seems good to you of women, two or three or four; and if you fear that you cannot be equitable then one, or what your right hands possess. That keeps you nearer to not being partial. And give women their dowries freely; and if they are pleased to remit any of it of themselves, then devour it with good digestion and appetite. And do not give to the foolish their proper

Quran 27

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 27 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Ta.Sin. Those are the signs of the Quran and a clear Book; a guidance and good news to the believers, who are steadfast in prayer, and give alms, and of the hereafter, they are sure. Indeed, those who do not believe in the hereafter, We have made their works pleasing to them, and they shall wander blindly on! These are they who shall have an evil punishment, and they shall be the greatest losers in the hereafter. And indeed, you surely receive the Quran from one wise, knowing. When Moses said to his people, 'Indeed, I perceive a fire, I will bring you from there news or I will bring you a burning torch; perhaps you may warm yourselves.' But when he came to it, he was called, 'Blessed is whoever is in the fire, and whoever is around it! And celebrated be the praises of God, Lord of the worlds! O Moses! Indeed, I am God, the Mighty, the Wise. And throw down y