
Update on Review

Peace be on you and the mercy of God and His blessings. In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. If God wills, the second phase of the review of the Wise Quran is still in progress. As of today (6 Dhu 'l Hijjah 1445 AH), chapter sixty-seven (67) to one hundred and fourteen (114) have been reviewed.  I am really grateful to God for this work, I am learning so much! Glory be to God. Praise be to God. Peace be on you.


In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Peace be on you! Glory be to God. The Wise Quran  by  The HibiscusT955559 Project  has been published on ! It is in the  blue  section (The section for "In-progress translations of the Quran"). At  you can view each verse of the Quran for more than fifty English translations of the Quran side by side.  Praise be to God. Below is a link to Quran 1:1 on quran/1/1/default.htm


Whenever I meet people I try to give them the gift of the Quran. I hereby invite you to join me in this endeavour. Is the new website for the project. An easy to remember address. So you and the person that you are sharing it with can easily recall it, if God wills!  E-copies (EPUB and PDF) of The Wise Quran are easily accessible at Please give the gift of the Quran.

Substantial Completion

The Wise Quran is now substantially complete. Please use the link below to view the EPUB and PDF files. I hope to commence the second review phase shortly, if God wills.

The Inception

Some years ago, I remember wondering why there were so many English translations of the Quran. I wondered why the translators would not work to improve the existing translations. It is amazing to me that many years later I am doing exactly that. The HibiscusT955559 Project aims to create an improved translation of the Quran with a focus on accuracy. I started from an existing translation of the Quran then compared the translation with other existing translations in order to see where the translators diverge and converge, I am consulting a word-by-word translation in other to eliminate as much paraphrasing as possible, then I am consulting an Arabic-English lexicon to determine the true and root meanings of the words. I am trying to be as thorough as possible. I do not want to be punished for adding or removing something from the Quran. What I like about this project is that as I work on it, my knowledge of the Quran is increasing, if God wills. I am currently working on the first level

Quran Chapter 1

1:1 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. 1:2 Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, 1:3 The Merciful, the Compassionate, 1:4 Master of the Day of Judgment. 1:5 You we worship, and You we ask for help. 1:6 Guide us the straight way. 1:7 The way of those whom you have favoured; not those on whom is anger nor those who err. Click on this text to listen to the audio Notes: In verse 5, "Worship" can also be replaced with "Serve". In Verse 6, there is no preposition after the statement "Guide us" in the Arabic. Where you see a preposition such as "to" or "in", the translator has added it. In verse 7, it is difficult to accurately translate the first statement without excluding or adding words. Here, "Upon them" has been excluded from the translation.  Get The Wise Quran at  

First Draft Complete

Glory be to God. The first draft of the HibiscusT955559 English translation of the Quran is complete.  Praise be to God. I will take a short break then commence the review process, if God wills. Below are a few images of the hand written Quran translation that was produced in the process. The chapters contained in each book are listed at the back of the book cover. Nine 60 leaves exercise books were used. Although, the first and the last exercise books were not fully utilised. May 22, 2023.


The HibiscusT955559 Project was initiated in April 2022. The goal of the project is to create audio recordings of the English translation of the Quran and disseminate same to the public. Thank you all for listening. Visit The HibiscusT955559 Project Website.

Update 2

Today is January 15, 2023. I have nine chapters of the Quran left to complete this project. The remaining chapters are listed in the image above. The HibiscusT955559 Project was initiated in April 2022. The goal of the project is to create audio recordings of the English translation of the Quran and disseminate same to the public. Thank you all for listening.

Website Update

You can now visit the HibiscusT955559 project website by clicking on the link below:


I started this project on April 13, 2022. Today is October 14, 2022. It has been six months! And there are nineteen chapters left to complete the Quran English translation synthesis project! The remaining chapters are listed in the image above. Thank you for reading and listening! Please, send an email to if you would like to receive a free electronic copy of the completed work, if God wills.

Quran 70

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 70 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate A questioner asked for a punishment that must befall, to the disbelievers; there is no repelling it; from God, Lord of the ascents. The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose measure is fifty thousand years. So be patient with fair patience; indeed, they see it far off, but We see it near! The day the heaven shall be as molten brass, and the mountains shall be like flakes of wool; and no warm friend shall question warm friend; they shall gaze on each other, the sinner will wish that he might ransom himself from the punishment of that day by his children, and his mate, and his brother, and his kin who sheltered him, and whoever is in the earth, all together, then it might rescue him! Nay indeed, it is a flame, - dragging by the scalp! Calling those who retreated and turned their backs and amassed and hoarded! Indeed, man was created anxious! When evil touche

Quran 69

Click on this text to listen to the audio This is Quran chapter 69 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate The Reality! What is the Reality? And what should make you know what the Reality is? Thamud and 'Ad called the striking Calamity a lie; but as for Thamud they perished by the shock; and as for 'Ad they perished by the violent cold blast of wind, which He imposed on them for seven nights and eight days consecutively. And you might see the people therein prostrate as though they were palm stumps thrown down, and can you see any remnant of them? And Pharaoh and those before him and the overturned cities committed sins, and they rebelled against the messenger of their Lord, so He seized them with an excessive seizure. Indeed, when the water surged, We carried you in the sailing ship, to make it a memorial for you, and that the retentive ear might hold it. So when the trumpet is blown with one blast, and the earth and the mountains are borne away and both are crushe